Healthy Follow Up Testimonial

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Family Healthy, Gut Health

Healthy Follow-Up Testimonial

Micheál Ó Conghaile used food intolerance testing with me to find a solution to his gut issues. I chatted with him to follow up on his progress and find out what helped him.estemonial Picture Micheál

Thanks, Micheál, for the testimonial. You completed a Healing Your Digestive System course with us over 4 years ago. Did you find it a valuable service?  Yes, the fact that I am more food-aware has given me a better quality of life in terms of energy, sleep, and concentration.

What was the reason you needed our support to heal your digestive system?

In 2019 (and before), I found that at times I couldn’t concentrate, even though I wanted to. I tried “everything”—fresh air, exercise, light, desk position, different tasks (even those that I didn’t mind doing).

After taking the blood tests, I was informed I was to avoid cow’s dairy, including cheese and milk. Though it was not immediately evident that was the cause, it became apparent when I removed them that I indeed had an intolerance to lactose! In hindsight, it was so obvious. I was not feeling good after breakfast, as I would put milk on my cereal and milk in my coffee, and for my brunch, I would have butter on my toast and another coffee with milk. I believed I ate healthy, but perhaps I “abused” dairy too much, eating cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, etc.

So, what do you eat or drink as alternatives?

I use oat, coconut, almond, and soy milk with plant-based “butter.”. I have also increased consumption of beans (not baked beans in sweet tomato sauce), pinto, black eye, and chickpeas. After living in Brazil for some years, I think the Irish can learn some healthy tips from the Brazilians.

What would you recommend to others in terms of health?

“Listen” to your body! If you are feeling “out of sorts,” it could be an allergy or intolerance (I had to look up the difference). I try to maintain a healthy diet with lifestyle changes and more exercise, but obviously there are days I drop my standards. I have increased my nut intake too (but I am conscious not to overdo it), obviously watching out for those who have nut allergies (like my two sons). For parents, I would also “keep an eye” on your kids (even babies) potential allergies. Obviously, the “skin prick test” can only be done after a certain age and does not always capture all intolerances.

Eat right for your type Dr Peter D'Adamo Testimonial

What is your new top tip for the kitchen?

Make a blend of garlic, olive oil, and some salt, keep in a small jar, and use when cooking. Add it to some tinned beans and fry them up with some onion. Cheap and healthy, do the same with rice to give it taste and flavor!Testimonial : Healthy Beans

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